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 Coastal Carolina Chapter: Military Officers Association of America

Surviving Spouse: Planning for the Future


Being a Survivor : Preparing Your Spouse to be a Survivor Top ▲

You are a Survivor!
The Checklist

It's not easy being a survivor. Sometimes, what is needed is checklist that gets you through the first week or so after the passing of your loved one.

This checklist was developed by a military spouse, who went through the process of "reinventing the wheel". Had she had what she is now sharing with us all, her life, the lives of her children, and the lives of her close friends would not have had the pressure of "uncertainty" added to their grief.

MOAA's Surviving Spouse Resources
Posted Oct 8, 21 by Ric Kolseth Under Being a Survivor Permalink 1633721921

Preparation : The Guide to Planning Ahead Top ▲

A Guide to Planning Ahead

Life often takes unexpected turns. Your account inventories should become an appreciated and valuable resource for you and your loved ones if assistance regarding personal information becomes necessary. Completing this document benefits your family but also you, as it should instill more peace of mind that you are prepared for life’s changes.

ContentsThis inventory offers an opportunity to organize crucial information in one compact list, readily accessible in times of crisis. Use this workbook to get a handle on essential data, from basic contact information to investments, legal documents, schools, insurance policies, and much more.

Organizing — and periodically updating — pertinent data in an all-in-one, easy-to-access workbook ensures you’ll have important information at your fingertips. Once you’ve completed this workbook, keep its contents in a safe place. Consider using a fireproof safe and keeping copies in secure places outside your home. Write with a pencil in sections that are sure to need frequent updates.

Family Matters
Posted Oct 20, 21 by Mark Sandvigen Under Preparation Permalink 1634737456

MOAA Membership : Benefits of a MOAA Membership Top ▲

How Surviving Spouses Benefit From MOAA Membership

MOAA’s mission is to improve the lives of those who serve or have served and their families. As surviving spouse of a MOAA member, you have opportunities to connect with others who have suffered a loss in addition to receiving information about your benefits and programs that might be new to you.

Understandably, when someone becomes a surviving spouse, there is a certain knowledge gap to navigate. Surviving spouses of MOAA work to help close that gap.

It’s also important to note many survivors might not be aware they are eligible to join MOAA even if their military spouses were not MOAA members.

Depending on your membership level, surviving spouses will have a consistent line of communication as well as support regarding their eligibility for various MOAA benefits, such as discounts, advocacy, scholarships, and membership to their virtual chapter. Communication options include telephone, emails, literature, social media, and webinars.

How Surviving Spouses Benefit From MOAA Membership
Posted Oct 7, 21 by Mark Sandvigen Under MOAA Membership Permalink 1633623000